The UKAIS invites applications for the 2024 UKAIS Conference Doctoral Consortium, which will be held in Kent, UK on April 24th, 2024, a day before the main conference.

The UKAIS Doctoral Consortium provides PhD students with the opportunity to present their research and receive feedback on their work. Participants will also have the opportunity to find out about the work of fellow PhD students and engage in discussions with regards to their academic career. Finally, participants will be able to network with other Information Systems researchers (academics and other students) from different parts of the world.

What to expect

  • Engage in small group discussions focusing on participants’ research topics, the methods of choice, their progress, and next steps.
  • Receive constructive feedback from senior Information Systems scholars.
  • Get opportunities to network with other PhD students and Information Systems scholars from around the world.
  • Discuss career perspectives and trajectories.
  • For information on fees, please check the UKAIS website.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Interested doctoral students need to be currently enrolled in a University as a Doctoral Student. Their research should be in the broad area of Information Systems.
  • Students who will have defended their thesis (viva voce) at the time of the Doctoral Consortium are not eligible to apply/attend.
  • Successful applicants will need to register for the UKAIS Conference and Doctoral Consortium and attend both events in person.
  • The Doctoral Consortium and conference will be in English. All submitted abstracts and materials need to be in English, and applicants are expected to have sufficient command of the English language to fully participate in the event.


  • Applicants need to submit an extended abstract of max 1000 words, which summarises the aims, methods, significance, and relevance of the research topic. Please note that this can be a summary of the dissertation or an abstract of one paper. If possible, however, we encourage you to submit one dissertation paper or concrete idea to get in-depth feedback. The abstract should contain the potential theoretical, methodological and/or practical contributions of their work. The submission should include a reference list. Tables, figures, and reference list do not count towards the word count.
  • Applicants should also attach an appendix that provides a time plan of activities until completion of the doctoral dissertation, as well as a short motivation for attending the doctoral consortium (what are your expectations, what do you hope to get out of the Doctoral Consortium?). We will use this information for organisation purposes and to understand the applicants’ progress and time to completion.
  • Your submission will need to be formatted as follows: Arial 11-point font, double space, 2.54 cm margins all around, all pages need to be numbered. Include a cover page, stating your name, the title of your thesis, the name of your supervisor(s), and your affiliations. Submissions that do not conform to the above will be send back to the applicant for revisions and submissions that significantly exceed the word count will be rejected.
  • Your submission (cover page, abstract, appendix) should be in one single document.
  • Please refer to the submission instructions for how to submit your abstract. Submissions are via Please ensure you indicate that you are submitting to the Doctoral Consortium.

Selection Criteria

The UKAIS Doctoral Consortium seeks to be a developmental opportunity for all. Successful applicants will be invited on the basis of the following:

  • Quality of the research and significance of the potential contributions.
  • Potential benefit of the Doctoral Consortium for the applicant’s personal and professional development.
  • Potential contribution the applicant can make to the Doctoral Consortium.
  • Attendance of previous UKAIS or other Doctoral Consortia is not a criterion.

Important Dates

Submission deadline:30/10/2023
Conditional acceptance:30/11/2023
Revisions due:30/12/2023
Final decisions:10/01/2024

Doctoral Consortium Chairs

Dr Mylène Struijk, University of Sydney

Dr Will Venters, London School of Economics and Political Sciences

Keynote Speaker

Prof. Susan Scott, London School of Economics and Political Sciences

Faculty Mentors (more to be announced later) 

Prof. João Baptista, University of Lancaster

Dr. Roberta Bernardi, University of Bristol

Dr. Matthew Jones, University of Cambridge

Prof. Cathy Urquhart, Emeritus of Manchester Metropolitan University

Dr. Will Venters, London School of Economics and Political Sciences

Dr. Mylène Struijk, University of Sydney

Dr. Spyros Angelopoulos, Durham Business School