Following a busy year which has seen a hugely successful UKAIS 2023 conference (click here for details) as well as the launch of several new initiatives such as our teaching innovation research grant, UKAIS wishes to continue to build on these successes and continue to support the IS academic community in the UK and beyond. To enable this work, we are seeking to recruit up to several additional board members, filling roles such as


•Social Media, Marketing/Communications

•Phd/ECR  Representatives

•Event Coordinators: Regional Representatives (esp. Scotland, Wales, NI)

•Internationalisation Officer

•Website  Officer

•Newsletter Officer

If you would like to support the development of the IS discipline by serving in one of these positions, please email for further information or with your nomination and the role you would like to perform. Elections (if required) to the various roles will take place in late May to mid June.